ANYPAD Launchpad Allocation Pools and Distribution Methodology

5 min readSep 19, 2021


Welcome community!!

The day is finally here…

We know you were waiting for this and here is our detailed Distribution Poolsand Allocation methodology. We believe in fair distribution of tokens to everyone who wish to participate in our IDO. Talking of which, we wish to follow a 3-pool system. All the pools will be having different dynamics to target different target audience.

Our most unique allocation methodology will be providing three pools (Anypad Public pool, Anypad Bounty Pool, Anypad private pool) to our token holders for fair and well distributed allocation.

Let go in detail into each one of it to understand it in a better way.

Public Pool: This pool is specifically designed for APAD as well as Non-APAD Holders. Users can participate in this pool by contributing USDT and based on the percentage of contribution made with respect to the total USDT contributed, users will be able to claim their tokens as well as the amount to unused USDT. This pool works on the Overflow methodology to provide a fairer distribution of tokens as per the contribution made.

Example: Let us say, Allen has 10K APAD tokens, Bob has no APAD tokens and Carron has 135 K tokens. Now 3 of them wish to get allocation into our new IDO through public pool. In this case, all three some them can contribute their USDT irrespective of the number of APAD tokens they hold. Now, all three plan to contribute USDT as per below:

Allen: 2,000 USDT
Bob: 1,000 USDT
Carron: 500 USDT

Assuming the Public pool allocated amount raise limit is 15,000 USDT and several others along with these 3 contribute in the public sale to grab an allocation. Let’s assume the pool oversubscribed by 5 times with total contributed USDT equal to 75,000 USDT. Now, based on our overflow methodology the allocation for each user will be divided by using below formula:

Allocation = (Funds contributed by user / Total funds contributed) * Amount to be raised

According to the above, allocation for our three users will be:

Allen: (2000/75000) * 15000 = 400 USDT
Bob: (1000/75000) * 15000 = 200 USDT
Carron: (500/75000) * 15000 = 100 USDT

Private Pool: This pool is specifically designed for APAD holders. Based on the amount of APAD holding, the user will receive winning tickets which gives user the right to get an allocation in the upcoming IDO. A user needs to hold a minimum of 10K APAD to participate in this pool. The user also needs to do small tasks to get their wallets whitelisted for the upcoming sale. Please note that the minimum requirement to get an allocation is 10K but to receive a guaranteed allocation user need to hold minimum 25K tokens. However, users holding less than 25K but more than 10K will have opportunity to participate in the IDO based on the lottery system. The amount of allocation a user will get if he wins the lottery ticket will be announced with the lottery winning addresses.

Once the wallets get whitelisted, users must maintain the APAD tokens in their wallets for 2 days before the IDO. A snapshot of the user holdings will be taken at a random time in between this duration to allot winning tickets to the wallets as per their APAD holdings (APAD holding in wallet + Staked on our STAR STRIKE game). Once a user has their respective number of tickets, they can use this to get their allotment by contributing the total amount based on the number of tickets they have and per ticket allocated amount. Please find below our ticket allocation tier system:

Example: Let me make it simple for you, as we already know our users (Allen, BOB and Carron) are trying to get an allocation in the upcoming IDO. Now they wish to participate in our private pool as well. Considering each one of them separately,

· Allen: He holds 10K APAD tokens and wish to get an allocation in our private pool as well. Now, our official announcement comes in and whitelist doc is floated. Allen quickly fulfills all the required tasks and whitelists his wallet for the allocation. Now based on the pool allocation tier system, he becomes eligible for winning a allocation through our lottery system. We assume he wins a allocation of 40$ through our lottery system.

· Bob: He didn’t have any APAD tokens with him earlier but as soon as he heard of our upcoming IDO announcement, he plans to get some allotment through our private pool as well. He buys 65K APAD tokens and also whitelists his wallet address. Now based on the allocation pool, he becomes eligible for 2 winning tokens (2 tickets for 50K).

· Carren: She is in love with our project and holds whooping 135K APAD tokens. As she is a gaming enthusiast, she also staked 30K tokens into our STAR STRIKE gaming platform to get some really amazing starships. She gets her wallet whitelisted for Private pool IDO as well. Now the total APAD she holds equal to 165K. Based on our tier system she becomes eligible for 7 winning tickets (5 tickets for 100K + 2 tickets for 50K).

So now to sum up, they have their winning tickets and the allocation per ticket as per this IDO is 50 USDT (per ticket allocation may differ as per project funding requirement). So, the maximum amount of contributions which can be made by each of them will be:

Allen: 40 USDT(Lottery win)
Bob: 2 * 50 = 100 USDT
Carron: 7 * 50 = 350 USDT

Bounty Pool: This pool is specifically designed to reward users who love farming. Our APAD LP tokens can be used to farm APAD tokens in bounty pool as well as get allocation in our upcoming IDO. The number of APAD tokens a user earns daily is proportional to the number of LP tokens the user subscribes to the pool vs the total number of LP tokens subscribed by all users in the pool. The APAD tokens can be earned with an amazing APY (details will be shared soon). Also, staking in this pool means added bounty rewards, apart from the APAD tokens, users will also receive allocation in the upcoming IDO. Token earned are calculated daily after our official IDO announcement which can be claimed on the IDO launch by paying the required amount for the allotment provided in the upcoming IDO.

That was it folks!!

Please stay tuned to our official announcement regarding our 1st IDO launch.

About Anypad

Anypad is a next-generation blockchain Incubator and accelerator platform building a Multi-chain Launchpad & Multi-chain AMM DEX. Anypad would give crypto & blockchain startups & investors the best experience as the industry gains full-scale global adoption. Anypad is dedicated to incubating and accelerating the best meme coins and micro-cap blockchain projects, allowing blockchain startups to grow and raise funds seamlessly.

Anypad would serve as a one-stop incubator to accelerate new blockchain and Defi projects while exposing investors to fair investment opportunities in verified blockchain projects and an Automated Market Maker to create sufficient liquidity without impermanent loss.

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A next-generation Incubator building a decentralized Multi-chain IDO LaunchPad and Multi-chain AMM DEX on BSC & HECO Chain